“Lesson 13: The People of King Limhi and the People of Alma,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, 44
Humility and faith in Jesus Christ can give us strength to face adversity.
Read Mosiah 21:1–16; 22; 23:1–6, 29–39; 24. Also read Mosiah 12:2, 4–5, and the fourth article of faith. Read Mosiah 20–25 for the full record.
• The Lamanites persecute the people of Limhi by "smite them on their cheeks, and exercise authority over them; and began to put heavy burdens upon their backs, and drive them as they would a dumb ass." (Mosiah 21:3). "Yea, all this was done that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled." (Mosiah 21:4; 12:2, 4–5).
• After losing three times in battle to the Lamanites "they did humble themselves even to the dust, subjecting themselves to the yoke of bondage, submitted themselves to be smitten, and to be driven to and fro, and burdened, according to the desires of their enemies." (Mosiah 21:13–14). What does it mean to be humble? Why do you think the Nephites finally humbled themselves?
• "the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities" (Mosiah 21:15). "nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage." (Mosiah 21:15–16). Limhi’s people learn Humility from living in bondage. How can sufferings in our lives help us become more humble, obedient, and prayerful?
• After King Limhi and his people had made a covenant, or promise, with God, they were baptized to honore their covenant with Him. (Mosiah 21:35). How can we show Heavenly Father that we honor our baptismal covenants?
• "the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith" (Mosiah 23:21). "Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day." (Mosiah 23:22). How have you been blessed by trusting in the Lord?
• Alma say that his people should not be frightened, but "that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them." (Mosiah 23:27). "they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites" (Mosiah 23:28). "Lord did soften the hearts of the Lamanites" (Mosiah 23:29).
• Alma and his people told Heavenly Father what they needed when the wicked ruler Amulon would not let them pray out loud, they "did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts" (Mosiah 24:12). "Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage." (Mosiah 24:13–16).
• Alma and his people after being delivered from the Lamanites by "[pouring] out their thanks to God because he had been merciful unto them, and eased their burdens, and had delivered them out of bondage" (Mosiah 24:21–22).
Labels: Alma, Book of Mormon, Humility, King Limhi, Lesson 13, Mosiah
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