Book of Mormon Primary Lessons

Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Lesson 43 - Moroni Teaches Faith

"Lesson 43: Moroni Teaches Faith in Jesus Christ,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, (1997),152

Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen (Ether 12:6). The Book of Mormon teaches about many people who received great blessings and performed miracles because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Read: Ether 12:6–41, Moroni 7:21–28, 33–34 and the fourth article of faith.

Jesus Christ said we will receive "power to do whatsoever thing is excpedient in [him]" if we have faith in him (Moroni 7:33). Thinking back on past lessons from this year, what examples of people can you think of who did great things because of their faith in Jesus Christ?

Moroni taught how to receive a witness, or testimony, of the gospel by "the trial of your faith" (Ether 12:6). To have a “trial of your faith” means to have your faith tested in some way.

We all have weaknesses. God gave "unto men weakness that they may be humble . . . for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them"(Ether 12:27).

Some things that faith in Jesus Christ will help us do include: pray, receive answers to prayers, repent, be baptized, follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, serve others, resist temptation, pay tithing, meet challenges, say “I’m sorry,” attend church, obey the Word of Wisdom, and so on.

Heavenly Father's promise about prayer gives people who have faith anything they righteously desire (Moroni 7:26). How have your prayers been answered?

We build our faith by obeying the Lord’s commandments, and from getting to know and trust the Lord.

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