Book of Mormon Primary Lessons

Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Lesson 42 - Moroni's Charity

“Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, (1997),148

This lesson will help you understand how to choose good over evil so you may be blessed with charity, the pure love of Christ. Mormon's son Moroni was blessed with charity. In addition to finishing the record of the Nephites, Moroni also wrote a brief history of the Jaredites (see Lesson 40 and 41). Moroni also loved Christ so much that he refused to deny him even though doing so could have gotten him killed.

Read Mormon 8:2–6, Moroni 1, 7, and 8, and the thirteenth article of faith.

Moroni wrote that "the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil . . . [it is] the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ" (Moroni 7:15–18). The light of Christ is often called a person’s conscience.

Moroni also describes the qualities of charity in Moroni 7:45. Here is a list of quotes from this verse and their Meanings:
  • Suffereth long - Is patient
  • Kind - Not cruel or mean, loving
  • Envieth not - Is not jealous
  • Not puffed up - Humble, not proud
  • Seeketh not her own - Is unselfish
  • Not easily provoked - Slow to anger, quick to forgive
  • Thinketh no evil - Is trusting, looks for the good
  • Rejoiceth in truth - Is honest
  • Beareth all things - Is obedient
  • Believeth all things - Is faithful
  • Hopeth all things - Is optimistic, trusting
  • Endureth all things - Is patient, persistent
Moroni had the pure love of Christ. The following are examples of Moroni’s charity:
  • Suffereth long - Moroni lived alone for over thirty-six years patiently keeping the records. (Mormon 8:5).
  • Kind - Moroni prayed for us, and he loved his brethren (Ether 12:36, 38).
  • Envieth not - Moroni saw our day and counseled us to not be envious or proud (Mormon 8:35–37).
  • Not puffed up - Moroni was humble because of his weakness in writing (Ether 12:23–25).
  • Seeketh not her own - Moroni unselfishly worked and prayed for us that we would have a knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Mormon 9:36; Ether 12:41).
  • Not easily provoked - Moroni forgave his enemies and worked hard to write things that he hoped would be of worth to them (Moroni 1:4).
  • Thinketh no evil - Moroni exhorted us to hold to good and touch not evil (Moroni 10:30).
  • Rejoiceth in truth - Moroni was honest (Moroni 10:27).
  • Beareth all things - Because Moroni would not deny Jesus Christ, he had to wander alone for his safety (Moroni 1:2–3).
  • Believeth all things - Moroni encouraged us to believe in Jesus Christ (Mormon 9:21). So great was Moroni’s faith that he was able to see Christ face to face (Ether 12:39).
  • Hopeth all things - Moroni understood the importance of hope (Ether 12:32).
  • Endureth all things - Moroni was faithful to the end. (Moroni 10:34).
We can gain the pure love of Christ (charity) through prayer "unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ . . . we shall see him as he is . . . that we may be purified even as he is pure" (Moroni 7:48).

With continual work, faith, and prayer we can, little by little, become more like Christ just as Moroni promised.

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Baby Blessing

As a worthy Priesthood holder, I had the opportunity to bless my two 2 month old babies during Sacrament Meeting.  This is the first ordinance, of many, that they will receive in their lives as member of the LDS church.  This particular blessing was mainly to officially name the children for the church's records, and as well as to give the child any other blessings they may required in their lives, as dictated by revelation trough the Holy Spirit.

Over the last couple of days I had been nervously preparing for this blessing, as it would be the first time for me to give a Father's Blessing.  The Bishop had given me a Priesthood manual that contained guidelines for different Priesthood blessings, so I read over the one on Baby Blessings as well as studied the manual's lesson on Father's Blessings.

My Father was also in town to take part in the blessing, and I invited a few friends to join me along with the Bishopric in the circle we formed around the babies while I blessed them.  All involved were worthy priesthood holders.

The actual words to the prayer, other then the naming of the babies, were not pre-determined by church policy, but derived from thoughts and inspiration that had come to me while I was quietly studying and praying to invite the Holly Spirit to give me guidance in this task.  The blessings weren't elaborate, but the peaceful feeling of the Holy Spirit was there.

Since this was the first Sunday of the month (typically when such blessings are done) we had the opportunity to bear our testimonies.  My Dad went up first and talked about the opportunity he had to bless me as a baby, as well as another blessing that is typically received as a young teenager, called a Patriarchal blessing.  This blessing is very personal to the one receiving it, and is done in a private setting; though my Dad and Step Mother were there when I received it.  Although my dad didn't go into much detail, it was interesting to remember some of the things promised to me (as long as I live worthy of God's blessings) that had come to pass, just as these babies came into my life; and because of them coming into my life.

I went up myself and bore my testimony of the miracles I had personally witnessed in my life that helped my wife and I reach parenthood, and the blessings that truly had been realized in my life.  My wife did the same after I had gone up, despite my urging her to go up before me.  The Sacrament meeting over all was very uplifting and spiritually nourishing, and the experience helped me feel closer to and more love for my young family.

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