Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in
Every few months, each
Primary class is asked to give the lesson during Sharing Time. Usually the
Primary Presidency gives this lesson, but on the last Sunday of each month it is presented by one of the
Primary classes. My class got the opportunity to do it a second time for the year in May.
The Theme for September was, "
I can pray to Heavenly Father, and He will hear and answer my prayers."
sharing time was based on optional activities for
Lesson 9.
“Lesson 9: Enos Prays,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, 28Riddle:
I am not a person, place, or object.
I can be so quiet that no one else can hear, or loud enough that everyone in the room can hear.
I can be used when you are alone or in a group.
I am used any time, any place, under any circumstance.
I am used for gratitude, guidance, comfort, forgiveness, protection, help, good health, or for any other blessing you need for yourself or for someone else.
You use me to talk with Heavenly Father.
What am I?
Answer: Prayer
Using the chalk Board get write down the
answers to the following
When can we pray? (
Anytime - but get specific examples of times and situations)
Where can we pray? (
Anywhere - but get specific places and
What can we pray about? (
Anything - bug get specific topics)
Discuss the
patern for Prayer:
· a. Begin by addressing our Father in Heaven.
· b. Tell him what you are thankful for.
· c. Ask him for what you desire.
· d. Close by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”
Labels: Pray, Primary, Sharing Time
“Lesson 36: Jesus Christ Gives the Sacrament to the Nephites,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, (1997),129Always remember Jesus Christ so you can have his Spirit to be with you. When we remember Jesus and keep his commandments, we have the Holy Ghost to be with us.
3 Nephi 18:1–14Jesus Christ ask his disciples to bring "bread and wine" (
3 Nephi 18:1). Jesus broke and blessed it the bread "and he gave unto the Disciples and commanded that they should eat" (
3 Nephi 18:3–4). He then blessed the wine and "give unto the multitude that they might drink of it" (
3 Nephi 18:8–9).
Before a young man can prepare or bless or pass the sacrament to other members of the Church he must first "be ordained" and given "power [to] bless it" (
3 Nephi 18:5).
The sacrament bread helps us remember the body of Christ (
3 Nephi 18:7). The sacrament water help us remember the blood of Christ "which [he] shed for you" (
3 Nephi 18:11).
When we partake of the sacrament we make a covenant "that ye do always remember [Christ]" (
3 Nephi 18:7).
Jesus Christ promises us "ye shall have [his] Spirit to be with you" if we always remember him (
3 Nephi 18:7). To have his Spirit with us means we are guided and helped by the Holy Ghost. What can you do during the week to always remember the Savior so that you may have his Spirit with you?
When members of the Church partake of the sacrament, they are witnessing to Heavenly Father that "ye are willing to do that which [Christ has] commanded you" (
3 Nephi 18:10).
When we partake of the sacrament, we remember and renew our baptismal covenants (
3 Nephi 18:11). Thinking often about the covenants we make at baptism helps us live better because helps us keep those desires in our hearts (
Mosiah 18:10). Listen carefully to the sacrament prayers and think about ways to keep their baptismal covenants during the coming week.
We are blessed when we partake worthily of the sacrament "for ye are built upon my rock . . . Therefore blessed are ye if ye shall keep my commandments, which the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you" (
3 Nephi 18:12–14).
Labels: Baptize, Book of Mormon, covenants, Holly Ghost, Jesus Christ, Lesson 36, Mosiah, Nephi, Spirit