Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in
Every few months each Primary class is asked to give the lesson during Sharing Time. Usually the Primary Presidency gives this lesson, but on the last Sunday of each month it is presented by one of the Primary classes. My class got the opportunity to do it in January.
The Theme for January was, "I am a child of God, and He has a plan for me."
As part of the plan, Jesus created the earth for Heavenly Father's children to live on.
Day 1 -
Genesis 1:3-5 /
Moses 2:3-5Light and darkness divided.
Day 2 -
Genesis 1:6-8 /
Moses 2:6-8Created the heavens above
Day 3 -
Genesis 1:9-13 /
Moses 2:9-13Dry land created and plants placed on the earth
Day 4 -
Genesis 1:16-19 /
Moses 2:16-19Sun, Moon and Stars created
Day 5 -
Genesis 1:20-23 /
Moses 2:20-23Animals placed on the earth
Day 6 -
Genesis 1:24-28,31 /
Moses 2:24-28,31Big animals placed on the earth, and man made in the image of God
Day 7 -
Genesis 2:1-3 /
Moses 3:1-3God rested from his work
Because Jesus created this world for me, I will _____________.
Labels: Creation, Genesis, Jesus Christ, Moses, Sharing Time