Book of Mormon Primary Lessons

Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Lesson 11 - Abinadi tells King Noah to repent

“Lesson 11: Abinadi and King Noah,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, 35

When we learn something, we can help other people when we teach them what we know. When we learn about Heavenly Father, we can help other people by telling them about him, and be valiant in standing as witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Read Mosiah 11–13; 15:1, 6–8; 16:14–15; 17; and Mosiah 19:4–20. Also see Mosiah 14, 15, and 16.

The Lord commanded Abinadi to tell King Noah and his people to repent (Mosiah 11:20–21), as they were living lives of sin. King Noah also taxed his people a fifth of all their possessions to support himself and his life style (Mosiah 11:1–7, 14–15, 19).

King Noah and his people responded to the words of Abinadi by trying to kill him. (Mosiah 11:26–29). Why do you think people get angry with those who call them to repentance? Abinadi had boldly testified to the wicked King Noah and his priests of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. (Mosiah 12:33–36; 13:11–24). Why is it important for us to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments?

Abinadi was protected by the power of God which caused the people of King Noah afraid to lay their hands on him (Mosiah 13:3–5). This gave Abinadi the time to testify about Jesus Christ and his atonement. (Mosiah 15:1, 6–8; 16:14–15). Abinadi then showed his courage by being willing seal his words with his life (Mosiah 17:7–10). It can sometimes difficult to stand for what is right, but we can find strength threw Christ to stand for the right.

Abinadi burned to death, sealing his words with his death (Mosiah 17:20). "For the Lord suffereth the righteous to be slain that his justice and judgment may come upon the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; but behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God" (Alma 60:13).

King Noah "placed his heart upon his riches" and himself (Mosiah 11:14; 19:7–8). In contrast Abinadi placed his heart upon the things of God (Mosiah 13:4; 17:7–10). What should be important to us?

Abinadi’s testimony affected Alma before his death. (Mosiah 17:1–4). We will learn more about Alma in our next lesson.

Abinadi’s prophecy of King Noah's death in Mosiah 12:3 was fulfilled in Mosiah 19:19–20.

Who can you think of who is valiant today in standing as a witness of Jesus Christ?

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