Book of Mormon Primary Lessons

Lessons from the Book of Mormon as taught by S.J. Hollist, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

General Conference

General Conference is a semi-annual even that lasts for an entire weekend, consisting of multiple 2 hour sessions. A link to the conference is provided in the title of this posting.

The Conference sessions are broadcast throughout the world for all to see, using modern technologies such as satellite, and the Internet. It is also published in the church magazine called The Ensign. You can also listen to it or read it here:,5239,23-1-851,00.html

This conference was special because of the recent passing of President Gordon B. Hinckley, and the confirmation of the new President and Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. More information on these events can be found here:

More information from the LDS Newsroom:

"The First Presidency was reorganized following the death of the Church’s 15th president, Gordon B. Hinckley, who passed away on 27 January. President Monson is the 16th worldwide leader of the Church. President Eyring, who serves as first counselor to President Monson, previously served as second counselor in the First Presidency. Second counselor, President Uchtdorf, was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles prior to his new assignment. The First Presidency is the most senior governing body in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The new photograph is downloadable." -

You can view Gordon B. Hinckley's funeral services here:,18210,5003-1-121-1381,00.html

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Other Lessons:

(ordered by date)

08_01_06   08_01_13   08_01_20   08_01_27   08_02_03   08_02_10   08_02_17   08_02_24   08_03_02   08_03_09   08_03_16   08_03_23   08_03_30   08_04_06   08_04_13   08_04_20   08_04_27   08_05_04   08_05_11   08_05_18   08_05_25   08_06_01   08_06_08   08_06_15   08_06_22   08_06_29   08_07_06   08_07_13   08_07_20   08_07_27   08_08_03   08_08_10   08_08_17   08_08_24   08_08_31   08_09_07   08_09_14   08_09_21   08_09_28   08_10_19   08_11_02   08_11_09   08_11_16   08_11_23   08_11_30   08_12_07   08_12_14   08_12_21   08_12_28   08_12_29  

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